Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Machu Picchu y Movimiento el Pozo!

Sooo I thought I would write a quick update as tomorrow is my last day in Peru! I'm sad to leave! :(
Anyway, yesterday we went to Machu Picchu!! It was absolutely incredible. I cannot even believe the amount of work that was put into building the ancient Incan city. It is absolutely gorgeous. It was definitely  a huge item crossed off of my bucket list! After hiking for awhile some of us sat in secluded spots in the ruins & just took in the scene...the mountains, valleys, buildings & all.
After we left Machu Picchu we took a train from Aguas Calientes back to Cusco...a FOUR HOUR train ride. However, a paper airplane war broke out after this older German couple turned their placemats into airplanes. Within minutes the entire section of the train (with about 60 people...only ONE of whom was a child) were throwing airplanes & clapping & cheering. Even our attendants joined in on the fun! Nevermind all of the different languages being spoken, we were all able to find entertainment amidst the boring train ride.
We arrived back to the city of Cusco just in time to see some gorgeous fireworks over the city! It was such a wonderful day in all...it definitely seemed surreal!
Today we woke up super ealy (had to be down the hill to the bus at 5:30 with all luggage packed) 7 we flew back to Lima at 7:40. Once we were back to Lima we reconnected with Lucy and went to an amazing panaderia! It was sooo good. Afterward we returned to the hotel then met at 3:30 for our last scheduled event for the trip. We went to the nonprofit organization Movimiento el Pozo which has been working to rehabilitate victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation since 1976. The organization was amazing & it was awesome to hear how they were approaching the issue psychologically, legally & sociologically. Despite some ups & downs in the interview, the woman provided such wonderful insight!
Tonight we went out for the last time to an amazing dinner! Then we got ice cream at a heladeria with Italian gelato. Mmmmmh. It was quite the end to my trip.
Well tomorrow is our last day so we are going to grab lunch & shop at the market one last time! Then I will be flying back into Los Estados Unidos lateee tomorrow night! Thanks everyone for your support with this trip! It has been such a wonderful learning experience! :)

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