Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Una dia con los niños de Surfing Tribes!

What an awesome day! Today we walked down the street from our hostal to La Casa de Generacion in San Bartolo. This house is home to 18 children who were formerly living on the streets of San Bartolo who were taken in by Lucy Borja. Some of the children are trafficking victims &/or abuse victims. As soon as we arrived to the house, one of the young boys, Josue, ran to me & gave me a HUGE hug & kissed me on the cheek. Everyone kisses on the cheek here, which is something I'm not accustomed to! It's so interesting, though! I love different cultures! I have kissed sooo many people on the cheek already during this trip.
 We began the day with everyone introducing themselves and some of the teenagers shared their stories of living en las calles - in the streets. One of the boys ran away from abusive parents when he was FIVE years old  & was eventually taken in by Lucy at the other Generacion house in Lima that we visited yesterday. After introductions & stories we hung out with the children for the majority of the day. One of the little girls, Nicole, clung to me! She was adorable, despite her constant tickling! :) The entire day she took pictures on my camera, played games with me, sang to me & showed me around the house. It was hard to speak to her too much, but we were still able to communicate! The kids are absolutely wonderful & the day was all about them. In a house with close quarters, after living without parents for years, they were yearning for love & attention. It was such a great day with the children. What Lucy & the other Generacion volunteers are doing for these children is absolutely amazing. They are giving these children a chance at education & community, as well as a future. Many of the kids are competing in surfing competitions, as they are taught how to surf, skateboard AND play music at the Generacion house. Honestly, I could learn so much from these children!
Great day, overall, filled with wonderful children & more amazing Peruvian food! Yum.

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