Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cuy, Ninos y Plaza de Armas

Let's pretend like the "n" in Ninos has the correct accent over it. :) Today we ventured into the downtown square of Cusco & we were able to see some of the fact, some of the Peruvians invited us to join in! It was so much fun! We also walked to an indoor market where we had fresh & orange. Yum. The Plaza de Armas, which is the downtown square is absolutely beautiful with so many different flags & two very intricate Cathedrals.
After our morning city tour we traveled to two more Incan ruin sites. They were awesome, but tiring! Then, we traveled to the Childrens' Home Hogar de las Estrellas to spend the afternoon with the children with special needs. The children are so sweet! As I have mentioned before, we are staying in the hotel section of Hogar de las Estrellas which helps fund the children's home. Many of the children have different disabilities such as physical handicaps, Autism, Down's Syndrome and/or deafness. The children who have mental handicaps and will be unable to find jobs are able to live at the home for the rest of their lives with care. Those who are deaf are taught Sign Language and, with help of the caretakers at Hogar de las Estrellas, are able to find jobs after they turn 18 or 19. If they cannot find a job in the city they are paid to work at the Home and are able to continue living at the home. It is a great system that really benefits these children and adults who are completely shunned by society!
Alright, well tomorrow we are off to Aguas Calientes to prepare for MACHU PICCHU on Monday! Yeahhh! :)

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