Saturday, July 2, 2011

Livin' out the Triangle.

Last Sunday I returned to the camp I am working at this summer....Crossings! I'm at the Cedarmore campus in Bagdad, KY...about 2 hours away from Pendleton County. I was absolutely ecstatic to see all of the staff again & start camp, despite nervousness about not remembering things from training, which was at the very beginning of June. It had been three weeks since I left camp & I had to jump right into the swing of things on Monday.
However, this week was absolutely phenomenal. It is amazing to see these students grow in their relationships with God! I had a group of 15 fantastic middle school girls with all different personality types. Our Bible study theme this year is Washed & each day covers a topic under this theme: Stained, Soaked, Scrub & Shine. The week begins with the recognition of sin in our lives through the story of the woman who pours her expensive perfume on Jesus' feet. It then transitions into the recognition of ourselves in the Pharisees from the story, who merely follow the rules of religion, rather than develop a true relationship wih God. The week proceeds to teach students how to practically change their lives for the glory of God - through living out the Triangle & the beyond effect. Crossings' Triangle promotes three points - Love God through abiding in Him, Love People through being humble & Be a Servant to both God and people. the beyond effect encourages students to combine their passion & burden in order to reach out to the least of these.
Anyway, that's basically how things go down at the midst of Worship services and POIs (P-P-P-POI!) - which are the activities students choose to participate in such as ziplining, climbing, messy games, indoor games, fishing, etc. This week was so great overall! However, its hard during a short week to have one-on-ones with all 15 girls in your group. Therefore, I was trying to pick out which of the girls I thought I really needed to talk to. Two girls in my group seemed to be doing fairly well and were not at the top of my list for one-on-ones, as sad as it is to say. I wanted to be able to talk to everyone, but just did not think I would have time. However, at dinner one night one of the two girls came up to me & said, "Brittany wants you to come sit with us," referring to the other girl. As I joined their table, everyone left but Brittany & she began pouring her heart out to me. It's awesome that even when we miss something God is right there to point it out to us! Brittany really needed someone to talk to & I'm thrilled to say that our conversations actually impacted her! It's amazing. In addition to this, I had some other girls in my group who responded to God's callings in their life through the  beyond effect & to a stronger relationship with Him.
I could really go on forever about this week at camp!!! Please keep our students in your prayers as the summer goes on! Also, if you would like to send me mail (Please write me!!!!!) I do have an address at Cedarmore: 3083 Cedarmore Road Bagdad, KY 40003.

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