Friday, June 10, 2011

The journey begins...

Sooo...I decided to create a blog to keep everyone updated on my adventure to Peru, as well as my time as a Summer Staffer at Crossings this summer! I will not have too much time to update my blog, but hopefully I will have a chance to share a few stories and highlights as the summer unfolds. The title of this blog comes from a message I heard on a retreat to Hilton Head last fall by Bruce Main, the founder of UrbanPromise in Camden, New Jersey. Bruce shared that he believed we each had a calling in our lives, as God's children, to become "road-crossing Christians," those who transcended their comfort zones in order to reach out to the people around them. This includes breaking down barriers such as social groups, as well as country borders. Therefore, I thought the title was fitting for my summer!

Anyway, I made it through training week at camp! We spent many long hours preparing the campus for the arrival of students this past Monday. My Program Directors asked me if I would like to return home a week early in order to prepare for Peru, so I have yet to experience camp. It was kind of sad to leave my fellow staffers, especially knowing what would take place on Cedarmore's campus this week. However, I will return to camp on June 25 & I will meet my first students on the June 27!

Now....about Peru! I leave tomorrow from Cincinnati's airport at 6:30 pm. I will fly into Miami, then from Miami to Lima, Peru! I should arrive in Lima around 4:30 am. I am pumped! It seems crazy to think that this trip is actually here, after months of preparation, fundraising and prayer. Thank you so much to everyone who has made this trip possible through your support! If you could continue to support me through prayer, that would be wonderful.

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